Sewage Over Pumping
Sewage over pumping and bypass pumping of water or sewage effluent during construction, maintenance, repairs and upgrade works. Our experience includes draining lagoons and ponds, over pumping sewage and water from manholes and chambers, constructing and operating bypass systems for sewage treatment works, carrying out emergency works to pump away flood and rain water, and even temporary diversion of natural water features such as streams and rivers. We offer cost effective solutions that are carefully designed to meet the needs of our clients.
Whilst maintenance and upgrade works are carried out at sewage treatment works, our fleet of electric or diesel pumps can be used to bypass sewage from one section of the treatment works to another. Whilst pumping sewage it is important to ensure that there is no risk of spillage, damage or malfunction of the over pumping system. To provide confidence 100% standby pumps are used as backup, filter screens are used on suction hoses and pumps to reduce risk of blockages from rags and large objects, and HDPE pipework are often used where high flows are expected.